Ayurvedic Journal

Ponsonby News Column December 2023: Ayurveda - The Art of Living Well

Ponsonby News Column December 2023: Ayurveda - The Art of Living Well

Mental health is governed by the neurological system and strongly linked to Vata dosha. To balance Vata, Ayurveda recommends a daily routine, applying oils to the skin and practising pranayama (breathing exercises). Simply by eating and sleeping at consistent times each day, gives the body regular doses of energy, allowing resources to be allocated appropriately and prevents the buildup of unwanted toxins.

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Chyawanprash - Immune Booster, rich in Vit C and Antioxidants

Amalaki Fruit - the Ultimate Immune Booster

Amla fruit has the highest Vitamin C content in nature (20 times more than an orange) and is rich in antioxidants which makes it one of the most powerful rejuvenating herbs in Ayurveda.  Amla is the main ingredient of the Ayurvedic jam ‘Chyawanprash’, an ancient formula which is rejuvenating, energising, supports digestion and boosts the immune system. 

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